
Oh dear, she's TWO!!!

Yep, so she's two now, as of February 2nd!
It's been bitterly cold here again, which is just no fun for anyone. Nights get down to about -15, and the the house just really gets chilly. On the plus side, the days have been stunningly clear and blue, and they are getting much longer. Every day we gain over 5 minutes of daylight. To cope with the temperatures, we've been going to the kindergym and toddler time at Spenard Rec Center every week, and we just discovered the Municipal Greenhouse, which is a tropical paradise with birds and fish, is totally free, and has plants I've never even imagined before! I'm not making this up!
I've been sewing a lot lately, most notably an awesome little hoodie for Kisun with this rad fabric I got at Bishop's Attic. It's tan with little Koala bear siloheuttes and aboriginal-inspired dots all over it. Very cool. I also made Kisun a dress with the Olive kangaroo version of the fabric. Anyways, when I get the zipper in that coat I'll post a picture. Today I made a little pockety wallet to hold my id and other cards. It came out pretty cute, but I sort of rushed it together without pressing or thinking so it's a little assymetrical and sloppy, but I really like it.
I haven't been knitting at all lately. I got to the toe of my socks and all I have to do is bind them off. Grafting is a little intimidating though, and since Kirsten is gone I've majorly lost my momentum. I can't really blame it on her anymore because it's been months now, but I can blame it on Amber for not calling about the baby knitting hour. So there.
Kisun is officially a fancy-pants: Pam brought her back two pairs of Juicy Couture Pants from Chicago- they were on sale- along with a few other awesome designer-y outfits, all really really cheap. So cute. She's been getting lots of compliments at kindergym, and I feel like I have to explain that I totally didn't buy her 75 dollar baby pants. (But they're really really nice.) Thanks Pam!
Oh, so the birthday was very low key and laid back. I had to work so I initially was oing to make it a family time. Uncle Steve and Brianne and Mariel and Shane came over for strawberry shortcake. It came out pretty okay- next time I'm going to get a pastry blender, because two forks is a stupid way of cutting fat into flour. There, I said it! The shortcakes were flakey but a little tough. I make an awesome batch of tortilla soup. Oh man it was good! And I actually have to get my booty in the kitchen right now to make some chicken enchiladas. Right now. Oh, but earlier, I made apple crepes and they were good. I didn't add sugar to the apples and I made the crepes with whole wheat flour and olive oil and they came out almost better than when I use white flour and butter. More nutty, I guess. Okay, now I really have to go.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

ooooooooo Amber, you been SERVED!!!!!

Happy birthday, Kisun! Soren says hi!