

I have, admittedly, been neglecting my knitting. It was so nice to knit with Kirsten and hve someone patient and nice to fix all your mistakes! It's actually hard to find someone who's willing to teach you what they know. I guess it can be a pain to sit and explain every little stitch, but Kirsten, you're the best! My socks are sitting staring at me, reminding me how easty it is to get distracted. I have a couple rows left and then the bind-off. Maybe I'll sit at the knitting store and just finish them today.
A really amazing thing happened to me the other day. I was at my friend Brianne's house, (and now writing that I know I spelled it wrong, but I'll fix it later!) and she gave me a whole bunch of the most beautiful vintage clothes that I've ever seen! I always have dreams like that where as I'm waking up I'm so sad because I realize that the clothes aren't real, BUT they really are this time! So COOL! Thanks B!
Another really great thing happened to me- My sweet boyfriend/ life partner (heheheh) scored me a Mountain Goats ticket. I've never heard them before, but here in Alaska even the promise of not sucking is pretty big. Plus, my dear friend Shane's band The Smilease is opening. Actually, I've never heard them before either, but I"m positive they don't suck because I'm not sure it's even Possible for anything Shane does to suck.
Ive been trying my hand at embroidery lately, mostly just sketching. It's fun- once I get some more practice in I have some fun ideas for really cute aprons and wallets- stay tuned.
We're all ready for winter to be over, but I think we have a little ways to go. Things will get busy here soon. I'm not sure if I told you all, but I'm running the B & B this summer, starting -slowly- next month. That means I guess we're moving out of our sweet little house. I'm hesitant, but really excited to be doing something a little different. Depending on how the season goes, I'm looking forward to maybe a month in the Japanese Countryside, or somewhere equally amazing, like the Bay Area. Ted really wants to spend some time filming there. There's a lot to iron out, but all signs point to awesome. Except for having to pack. Again.
Anyways, I really feel like I'm getting some momentum back with the longer days. Here's to Spring.


Kirsten said...

No way! YOU'RE the best! I miss you :^( I have absoluately NO knitting momentum now that my knitting buddies are so far away.

But anyway -- hooray for the awesomeness of upcoming adventure! Personally, I think Rhode Island is much more appealing than SF, but I might be biased. In any case, I hope running the B&B is wonderful and rewarding.

BTW, I told the greenhouse people that you've been stomping on their ladybugs, and now you're in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I am hearing news about my sister for the first time through her blog..what is the world coming to =)That is so exciting about the B&B, but sad that no more hackey sack in the front yard. So, can I rent out a room for the summer so I can stay out of the ghetto? (and by rent I mean "live in for free, with free food) Tell Ted he is welcome to sleep on my floor anytime.

Oh, by the way, this is your brother, matthew.

love you megh

Korynn said...

Oh no! You're moving out of your house? That kinda sucks. I love your cute little house. But staying at the B&B is def. exciting. Will I still be able to come and visit this summer? hehe