
We went for a long walk in the new snow today. A walk that normally takes, oh, five minutes was transformed into a halting twenty minute long that culminated in mittens being pulled off, crying, hoisting baby like the little sack of potatoes she is, and running (as much as one can "run" while carrying a sack of potatoes) the last block and a half home. It was really colder than I thought it was, but snow falling makes it fun to do anything outside, until you take your mittens off anyways.
Today we visited our friendly local assemblyman Allan Tesche, who happens to be the husband of my good friend Pam. I had all my sewing stuff over there and I've been getting motivated to sew, so we stopped by. Pam's gone for a month and I'm really not sure what we're going to do without her!
We went over to a friend's house last night for dinner and fun. They have the coolest house ever! Kisun played with their daughter and absolutely destroyed their house.
Not too much else on the Kisun front. It's still winter here, and will be for a long long time, so we're sledding and trying to get out there as much as we can. Secretly though, I'm dreaming of summer and blankets in the yard and flowers. And "The Office." They really need to settle that strike. I'm dying here!


Kirsten said...

Good news -- the strike is over! You can hear all the Hollywood strike-beard-shaving from here.

Amber said...

Kirsten what are you talking about? Are you trying to kill me? Torturing me beyond reason? I just want The Office and 30rock back. At least I had one good episode of Greys Anatomy.

And in cold related news: See why I don't ever go outside? I'm a total pansy Alaskan.

aksunflour said...

I hope you are staying warm now! This cold is making my joints ache! and the cat is curled up in the warmest places she can find!

Sledding is so much fun! My mode of dress is never to dress warmer than the preschooler- cause when I'm cold, she is too.

What did you use to get the sharpie off of your comp?

Megh said...

The Sharpie never did come off my computer, but it's softer and more diffused now, more of a pink. The Sharpie on the screen just kind of chipped off, thank goodness. The rest reminds me to never never rest with a toddler loose.

Kirsten said...

Sorry, it was a different writers' contract dispute (not a strike, and not the TV writers). SORRY SORRY OMG