I learned today that Alaska is a staging ground for the end times. You know, rapture. Apparently, when the world ends and God calls us all home, Alaska is going to be where the faithful flock to wait out the chaos until heaven's ready. This explains so much! I'm planning on having a hot dog cart, and working the crowds.
I'm not religious, but this is what I think. When God calls us home, he's going to have something worked out. Like a shuttle, or maybe he'll set up campgrounds with showers or something. And, ummm, also? I'm pretty sure he's got other things to worry about besides setting up a natural gas pipeline.
My other thought is that when all the pseudo-Christians get up there, I want to see them explain themselves and why they were above loving thy neighbors, turning their cheek, and doing unto others as they wanted for themselves. Oh, and thy shalt not covet, or murder. Killing people is murder. Capital Punishment is murder. Bombing a family because they have a similar name to someone who may or may not have had connections to terrorism- ummm....murder by stupidity and carelessness. It's hypocritical to value the life of an unborn child, and simultaneously devalue the life of those whom you decide deserve death for whatever reason.
Someone please explain to me where Jesus said its fine to kill someone if you think they may pose some risk to you at some undefined point in the future. Explain to me where he said it's fine to hate people because their choices are "wrong" by your standards.
Standing up and saying that the war in Iraq is a holy war against evil is doing exactly what extremists do- because it's an extremist view, and one that poses just as much danger to the American way of life as extremists in other religions.