Christmas was a whirlwind of fun! I actually got the tree decorated- I found the box of Christmas stuff at the top of the stairs leading down to the basement. I put it there ***last year*** thinking, "oh, I'll just run this down to storage when I have a minute..." so I guess it's just been a busy year. It sat there for 12 whole months being tripped over, covered with laundry, cursed, and, ultimately, ignored until I just couldn't look at my naked tree for another second. It's my personal goal to have the tree down tomorrow and the decorations neatly packed away downstairs. Ooooh, resolution time, right? So, I guess I'll put Procrastination up there at the top,(NOT doing it, I mean!) along with maybe trying to be a better housekeeper, having the self control to open a bottle of wine and not finish it the same evening, and....get outside more. I really want to get into bookbinding this year too, and I want to check out a local letterpress (that I was supposed to check out last January!!!)
Kisu learned how to give both butterfly and eskimo kisses last night. Last week she went sledding for the first time, and liked it okay. Lots of firsts lately.
On knitting news, I'm still working on the socks I started two months ago. I'm seriously a half in from starting the toe decreases and I'm having knitters block.
On an unrelated note, I just saw a PSA that said: Drink. Drive. Ride your little girl's pink bike to work for 30 days.
Which reminds me of a story my friend Tyler related to me a long time ago. He was oing on "Zoo Bomb" which is apparently an event (loosely organized) in Portland where people get random wheeled things and bomb the zoo hill as a group. So they were all getting on the Max (pulic Trans.) and his friend said, oh lets just get kid's fares, they never check. So they did. And they checked. And Tyler, who really has never looked under 18 in the entire time I've known him, with a full crazy red beard, is pulled off the Max with his little pink barbie bike and interrogated by the Max agents. I think in the end they let him off with a ban and he wobbled away on his tiny bike. It's one of my favorite mental images ever.
oh goodness.
So, I know it's Alaska, and with that comes a certain expectation of cold. But this is Anchorage! And it's minus two! And my baseboard heaters are just barely keeping the house above freezing. Okay, not really. I think it's about 60 in here. Just warm enough to stave off hypothermia, just cool enough to never relax, ever. Kisun and I are eating big bowls of hot oatmeal, and I think we'll make it through the cold snap, but man, warm up already!
When I find the camera cord. I'll post some cute pictures of Kisun warming her hands on my cup of tea.
It's cold.
When I find the camera cord. I'll post some cute pictures of Kisun warming her hands on my cup of tea.
It's cold.
Butter is delicious!
Toddlers are fun.
And by fun, I mean they make me cry.
At four in the morning.
When I see this.

How the heck did she find a red sharpie, you ask? By scaling the rickety bar stool we normally make SURE to put away right after we use it, except when we, uh, forget. Yep, she climbed onto the kitchen counter, found the permanent marker, and scribbled all over my laptop. Deep. Breaths.
Really though, I'm just glad she didn't shove it or herself off the counter.
At four in the morning.
When I see this.

How the heck did she find a red sharpie, you ask? By scaling the rickety bar stool we normally make SURE to put away right after we use it, except when we, uh, forget. Yep, she climbed onto the kitchen counter, found the permanent marker, and scribbled all over my laptop. Deep. Breaths.
Really though, I'm just glad she didn't shove it or herself off the counter.
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